Keeping Track Of Spending
I’ve really struggled with my money this year, and have already spent too much on Christmas. I also recently got caught out by a free trial on an app that rolled into a paid subscription. Even without this though, it feels like every month I end up in my overdraft....
Check if you can get Pension Credit
If you’ve reached State Pension age, you might be able to apply for Pension Credit. Pension Credit is a weekly benefit to boost your income. It’s based on how much money you have coming in. New rules for getting Winter Fuel Payments The Winter Fuel Payment is a...
Christmas Debt
My children love Christmas and they’re already picking extra treats off the shelf when we go shopping, and telling me what presents they want. I really want to make it a special time for them, but times are tough and I can’t help worrying about overspending and...
Making A Will
I don’t have a will, but I wonder if I should make one? The problem is, I have no ideawhere to start or how to make it official. Making a will can seem daunting, but it’s important to make one whether or not you consideryourself to have many possessions or much...
Introducing our new Senior Leadership Team
Introducing our new Senior Leadership Team Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton (CABB) is pleased to introduce our new Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Collectively, the new SLT, and wider colleagues across CABB, will build on the successes and achievements...
What to do when looking for a new home to rent
I’ve got to move house and will be renting somewhere on my own for the first time.It’s exciting but there’s so much to think about and I’m worried things could gowrong. Do you have any tips or advice on what I should do when looking for a newhome? Whether...
What you need to know about the Autumn Budget
The Chancellor unveiled the 2023 Autumn Budget last week. With important changes to benefits, national insurance and national living and minimum wages, we’ve rounded up all the key points you need to know. Benefits Uprated Over the last several months, Citizens Advice...
How to save on your energy bills this winter
Welcome to our monthly advice column from Citizens Advice Bury and Bolton. Each month, we’ll be tackling an advice query about a specific issue, sharing information and letting you know where to go for support. Remember, if you need any advice you can contact our...
Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton appoint new Chief Executive
Gary Malcomson has been appointed as Chief Executive at Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton(CABB) and formally commenced the role in September. Mike Walker, Chair of the Board of Trustees at Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton, said: “The board of Trustees are delighted...
How to report a hate crime anonymously
National Hate Crime Awareness Week takes place from 14th – 21st October 2023. Hate Crime Awareness Week is a national week of action to encourage communities affected by hate crime, local authorities, police forces and other key partners to work together to tackle...